Greystoke Innovation House

Greystoke Innovation House
The multinational company Greystoke herbs deals with the production and distribution of nutritional supplements, natural medicines and products for the prevention and protection of health. We bring unique innovations with our own recipes.

All our recipes, as well as products from our offer, use the healing power of herbs and are carefully produced with respect for nature and human health. Our goal is to offer customers a natural alternative in the form of prevention and therapy, and in this way enable them to live a healthier and better life in harmony with nature.

The Greystoke team deals with formulary and innovations in the field of creation of poly-component herbal medicines. The portfolio of today’s recipes and products – for the cardiovascular system, digestive tract, respiratory system, lymphatic system, urinary system, locomotor system, endocrine and reproductive system, metabolic and oncological disorders, and for various types of flu, has expanded to more than 50 Natural poly-components products.

You can order all products online or get them directly in brick-and-mortar stores and pharmacies.

Research, development, recepturology. Innovation and production of nutritional supplements, distribution, commissioning of clinical drug trials, research and development in the field of natural, technical, social and human sciences, quantum medicine and diagnostics = Greystoke herbs group & partners.

“The wisdom of our ancestors, connected with modern scientific knowledge in the field of health treatment and prevention, is brought in and presented today by innovations and products under the Greystoke name.”

Welcome to the world of Greystoke!



Greystoke herbs group